
Homeschoolers are celebrated by Learning Tower!

Learning Tower’s Homeschool services include:

  1. Tutoring in various areas
  2. Homeschool instruction
  3. Ongoing administrative services
  4. Ongoing informal assessment of skills
  5. Test administration
  6. Homeschool portfolio review

Administrative Services include assistance with:

  1. Determining the trajectory of learning for the year.
  2. Scheduling regular check-in appointments to help families stay on track with any plan of instruction and timeline they have chosen to set and helping them to make necessary adjustments.
  3. Selecting methods of instruction and related activities for any academic subject as well as for any concept a child may be struggling with.
  4. Creating long-term projects based on instruction as well as creating long-term assessment projects.

Ongoing Informal Assessment of Skills Services includes:

  1. Scheduling regular informal assessment appointments to help determine a child’s level of understanding and ability to apply a concept within a subject area before moving on in the instruction to a new concept.
  2. Administration of quizzes, chapter tests, and unit tests, as well as other forms of assessment.

Please call Learning Tower today for more information!

We look forward to working with you!